U.S. Consumer Database
The most comprehensive consumer dataset in the country.
Over 214,000,000 records with 407 datapoints.
For only $1497
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Our Data Points
Each record in our U.S Consumer Database set contains 407 columns / data points, allowing targeted lists to be queried for any consumer demographic, product or service.
1 | AddressID |
2 | IndividualId |
3 | personfirstname |
4 | personmiddleinitial |
5 | personlastname |
6 | PersonSurnameSuffix |
7 | persontitleofrespect |
8 | housenumber |
9 | predirection |
10 | streetname |
11 | streetsuffix |
12 | postdirection |
13 | unitdesignator |
14 | unitdesignatornumber |
15 | primaryaddress |
16 | secondaryaddress |
17 | state |
18 | ZipCode |
19 | Zip_4 |
20 | del_point_check_digit |
21 | msa |
22 | countycode |
23 | countyname |
24 | citynameabbr |
25 | cityname |
26 | carrier_route |
27 | censustract |
28 | censusblock |
29 | latitude |
30 | longitude |
31 | timezone |
32 | Xaxis |
33 | Yaxis |
34 | Zaxis |
35 | dpv_code |
36 | NumberOfSources |
37 | dwellingtype |
38 | secondaryaddresspresent |
39 | livingunitid |
40 | RDID |
41 | areacode |
42 | Phone |
43 | estimatedincomecode |
44 | homeownerprobabilitymodel |
45 | lengthofresidence |
46 | lengthofresidencecode |
47 | numberofpersonsinlivingunit |
48 | presenceofchildren |
49 | NumberOfChildren |
50 | ChildrenAge00_02 |
51 | ChildrenAge00_02Male |
52 | ChildrenAge00_02Female |
53 | ChildrenAge00_02Unknown |
54 | ChildrenAge03_05 |
55 | ChildrenAge03_05Male |
56 | ChildrenAge03_05Female |
57 | ChildrenAge03_05Unknown |
58 | ChildrenAge06_10 |
59 | ChildrenAge06_10Male |
60 | ChildrenAge06_10Female |
61 | ChildrenAge06_10Unknown |
62 | ChildrenAge11_15 |
63 | ChildrenAge11_15Male |
64 | ChildrenAge11_15Female |
65 | ChildrenAge11_15Unknown |
66 | ChildrenAge16_17 |
67 | ChildrenAge16_17Male |
68 | ChildrenAge16_17Female |
69 | ChildrenAge16_17Unknown |
70 | persongender |
71 | persondateofbirthyear |
72 | persondateofbirthmonth |
73 | persondateofbirthday |
74 | personexactage |
75 | personagecode |
76 | Males_18_24 |
77 | Females_18_24 |
78 | Unknowngender_18_24 |
79 | Males_25_34 |
80 | Females_25_34 |
81 | Unknowngender_25_34 |
82 | Males_35_44 |
83 | Females_35_44 |
84 | Unknowngender_35_44 |
85 | Males_45_54 |
86 | Females_45_54 |
87 | Unknowngender_45_54 |
88 | Males_55_64 |
89 | Females_55_64 |
90 | Unknowngender_55_64 |
91 | Males_65_74 |
92 | Females_65_74 |
93 | Unknowngender_65_74 |
94 | Males_75_Plus |
95 | Females_75_Plus |
96 | Unknowngender_75_Plus |
97 | personmaritalstatus |
98 | InferredAge |
99 | occupationgroup |
100 | personoccupation |
101 | ethniccode |
102 | languagecode |
103 | ethnicgroup |
104 | religioncode |
105 | hispaniccountrycode |
106 | personeducation |
107 | businessowner |
108 | EthnicConfidenceCode |
109 | InferredHouseholdRank |
110 | NumberOfAdults |
111 | GenerationsInHousehold |
112 | PresenceOfCreditCard |
113 | presenceofgoldorplatinumcreditcard |
114 | PresenceOfPremiumCreditCard |
115 | PresenceOfUpscaleRetailCard |
116 | PresenceOfBankCard |
117 | GasDeptRetailCardHolder |
118 | americanexpresscard |
119 | CreditRating |
120 | investment |
121 | investmentstocksecurities |
122 | Networth |
123 | NumberOfLinesOfCredit |
124 | Credit_RangeOfNewCredit |
125 | AmericanExpressGoldPremium |
126 | DiscoverGoldPremium |
127 | DiscoverRegular |
128 | GasolineOrRetailCardGoldPremium |
129 | GasolineOrRetailCardRegular |
130 | MastercardGoldPremium |
131 | MastercardRegular |
132 | VisaGoldPremium |
133 | VisaRegular |
134 | CreditCardIndicator |
135 | BankCardHolder |
137 | TravelAndEntertainmentCardHolder |
138 | CreditCardholderUnknownType |
139 | PremiumCardHolder |
140 | Upscale (Department Store) Card Holder |
141 | CreditCardUser |
142 | CreditCardNewIssue |
143 | Bank Card – Presence in household |
144 | Investing_Active |
145 | InvestmentsPersonal |
146 | InvestmentsRealEstate |
147 | InvestingFinanceGrouping |
148 | InvestmentsForeign |
149 | InvestmentEstimatedResidentialPropertiesOwned |
150 | AssimilationCodes |
151 | valuehunter |
152 | opportunityseekers |
153 | newsandfinancial |
154 | automotivebuff |
155 | bookreader |
156 | MembershipClub |
157 | computerowner |
158 | cookingenthusiast |
159 | do_it_yourselfers |
160 | exerciseenthusiast |
161 | Gardener |
162 | golfenthusiasts |
163 | homedecoratingenthusiast |
164 | outdoorenthusiast |
165 | outdoorsportslover |
166 | photography |
167 | traveler |
168 | pets |
169 | cats |
170 | dogs |
171 | mailresponder |
172 | RespondedtoCatalog |
173 | sweepstakes |
174 | religiousmagazine |
175 | malemerchbuyer |
176 | femalemerchbuyer |
177 | crafts_hobbmerchbuyer |
178 | gardening_farmingbuyer |
179 | bookbuyer |
180 | collect_specialfoodsbuyer |
181 | religiouscontributor |
182 | politicalcontributor |
183 | health_institutioncontributor |
184 | charitable |
185 | generalcontributor |
186 | donatestoenvironmentalcauses |
187 | donatesbymail |
188 | veteraninhousehold |
189 | HeavyBusinessTravelers |
190 | hightechleader |
191 | Smoker |
192 | MailOrderBuyer |
193 | OnlinePurchasingIndicator |
194 | ApparelWomens |
195 | ApparelWomensPetite |
196 | ApparelWomensPlusSizes |
197 | YoungWomensApparel |
198 | ApparelMens |
199 | ApparelMensBigAndTall |
200 | YoungMensApparel |
201 | ApparelChildrens |
202 | HealthAndBeauty |
203 | BeautyCosmetics |
204 | Jewelry |
205 | Luggage |
206 | Community Involvment – Causes Supported Financially |
207 | AnimalWelfareCharitableDonation |
208 | ArtsOrCulturalCharitableDonation |
209 | ChildrensCharitableDonation |
210 | Environment or Wildlife Charitable Donation |
211 | EnvironmentalIssuesCharitableDonation |
212 | InternationalAidCharitableDonation |
213 | PoliticalCharitableDonation |
214 | PoliticalConservativeCharitableDonation |
215 | PoliticalLiberalCharitableDonation |
216 | VeteransCharitableDonation |
217 | CharitableDonations_Other |
218 | CommunityCharities |
219 | Parenting |
220 | SingleParent |
221 | ChildrensApparelInfantsAndToddlers |
222 | ChildrensLearningAndActivityToys |
223 | ChildrensProductsGeneralBabyCare |
224 | ChildrensProductsGeneralBackToSchool |
225 | ChildrensProductsGeneral |
226 | YoungAdultInHousehold |
227 | SeniorAdultInHousehold |
228 | ChildrensInterests |
229 | Grandchildren |
230 | ChristianFamilies |
231 | Equestrian |
232 | OtherPetOwner |
233 | CareerImprovement |
234 | WorkingWoman |
235 | AfricanAmericanProfessionals |
236 | SohoIndicator |
237 | Career |
238 | BooksAndMagazinesMagazines |
239 | BooksAndMusicBooks |
240 | BooksAndMusicBooksAudio |
241 | ReadingGeneral |
242 | Reading – Religious / Inspirational |
243 | ReadingScienceFiction |
244 | ReadingMagazines |
245 | ReadingAudioBooks |
246 | ReadingGrouping |
247 | HistoryMilitary |
248 | CurrentAffairsPolitics |
249 | ReligiousInspirational |
250 | ScienceSpace |
251 | Magazines |
252 | EducationOnline |
253 | Gaming |
254 | ComputingHomeOfficeGeneral |
255 | DVDsVideos |
256 | ElectronicsandComputingTVVideoMovieWatcher |
257 | ElectronicsComputingAndHomeOffice |
258 | HighEndAppliances |
259 | IntendToPurchaseHDTVSatelliteDish |
260 | MusicHomeStereo |
261 | MusicPlayer |
262 | MusicCollector |
263 | MusicAvidListener |
264 | MovieCollector |
265 | TVCable |
266 | GamesVideoGames |
267 | TVSatelliteDish |
269 | GamesComputerGames |
270 | ConsumerElectronics |
271 | MovieMusicGrouping |
272 | ElectronicsComputersGrouping |
273 | Telecommunications |
274 | ArtsAndAntiquesAntiques |
275 | ArtsAndAntiquesArt |
276 | TheaterPerformingArts |
277 | Arts |
278 | Musicalinstruments |
279 | CollectiblesGeneral |
280 | CollectiblesStamps |
281 | CollectiblesCoins |
282 | CollectiblesArts |
283 | CollectiblesAntiques |
284 | CollectorAvid |
285 | CollectiblesandAntiquesGrouping |
286 | CollectiblesSportsMemorabilia |
287 | MilitaryMemorabiliaWeaponry |
288 | LifestylesInterestsandPassionsCollectibles |
289 | Autowork |
290 | SewingKnittingNeedlework |
291 | Woodworking |
292 | Aviation |
293 | HousePlants |
294 | Crafts |
295 | HomeandGarden |
297 | GARDENING2 |
298 | HomeImprovementGrouping |
299 | PhotographyAndVideoEquipment |
300 | HomeFurnishingsDecorating |
301 | HomeImprovement |
302 | IntendtoPurchaseHomeImprovement |
303 | FoodWines |
304 | CookingGeneral |
305 | Cooking – Gourmet |
306 | FoodsNatural |
307 | CookingFoodGrouping |
308 | GamesBoardGamesPuzzles |
309 | GamingCasino |
310 | TravelGrouping |
311 | TRAVEL |
312 | TravelDomestic |
313 | TravelInternational |
314 | TravelCruiseVacations |
315 | HomeLiving |
316 | DIYLiving |
317 | SportyLiving |
318 | UpscaleLiving |
319 | CulturalArtisticLiving |
320 | Highbrow |
321 | High – Tech Living |
322 | CommonLiving |
323 | ProfessionalLiving |
324 | BroaderLiving |
325 | ExerciseHealthGrouping |
326 | ExerciseRunningJogging |
327 | ExerciseWalking |
328 | ExerciseAerobic |
329 | SpectatorSportsAutoMotorcycleRacing |
330 | SpectatorSportsTVSports |
331 | SpectatorSportsFootball |
332 | SpectatorSportsBaseball |
333 | SpectatorSportsBasketball |
334 | SpectatorSportsHockey |
335 | SpectatorSportsSoccer |
336 | Tennis |
337 | Snowskiing |
338 | Motorcycling |
339 | Nascar |
340 | BoatingSailing |
341 | ScubaDiving |
342 | SportsandLeisure |
343 | Hunting |
344 | Fishing |
345 | CampingHiking |
346 | HuntingShooting |
347 | SportsGrouping |
348 | OutdoorsGrouping |
349 | HealthMedical |
350 | DietingWeightLoss |
351 | SelfImprovement |
352 | AutomotiveAutoPartsAndAccessories |
353 | RDI |
354 | homeswimmingpoolindicator |
355 | airconditioning |
356 | homeheatindicator |
357 | homepurchaseprice |
358 | homepurchasepricecode |
359 | homepurchasedateyear |
360 | homepurchasedatemonth |
361 | homepurchasedateday |
362 | homeyearbuilt |
363 | estimatedcurrenthomevaluecode |
364 | mortgageamountinthousands |
365 | mortgageamountinthousandscode |
366 | mortgagelendername |
367 | mortgagelendernameavailable |
368 | mortgagerate |
369 | mortgageratetype |
370 | mortgageloantype |
371 | transactiontype |
372 | deeddateofrefinanceyear |
373 | deeddateofrefinancemonth |
374 | deeddateofrefinanceday |
375 | refinanceamountinthousands |
376 | refinanceamountinthousandscode |
377 | refinancelendername |
378 | refinancelendernameavailable |
379 | refinanceratetype |
380 | refinanceloantype |
381 | CensusMedianHomeValue |
382 | CensusMedianHouseholdIncome |
383 | CRA_IncomeClassificationCode |
384 | MostRecentMortgageAmount2nd |
385 | Purchase2ndMortgageAmount |
386 | MostRecentMortgageDate2nd |
387 | PurchaseMortgageDate |
388 | MostRecentMortgage2ndLoanTypeCode |
389 | Purchase2ndMortgageLoanTypeCode |
390 | MostRecentLenderCode |
391 | MostRecent2ndLenderCode |
392 | PurchaseLenderCode |
393 | MostRecentLenderName2nd |
394 | Purchase Lender Name |
395 | MostRecentMortgage2ndInterestRateType |
396 | Purchase2ndMortgageInterestRateType |
397 | MostRecentMortgageInterestRate |
398 | MostRecentMortgage2ndInterestRate |
399 | Purchase2ndMortgageInterestRate |
400 | Sewer |
401 | Water |
402 | LoanToValue |
403 | PassProspectorValueHomeValueMortgageFile |
405 | NCOA_Effective_date |
407 | Name |
The Opportunity is now!
Compare our data to the big boys and you find that we save you tens of thousands of dollars. No matter what your product or service might be, our comprehensive consumer database has got you covered. With 410 data points over 218 million consumer records, you will find enough data to target any niche or demographic that you desire. If you have any questions, feel free to call or message us via the contact form below.
Additional Services
Our U.S Consumer database can be sorted according to your preferences for an additional charge per query. Simply send us an email with the conditional parameters you would like to target for your desired demographic. After your purchase has been made, we will respond with a quote for any sort requests.
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3120 S Grand Blvd, STE 8526
Spokane, WA 99203
Spokane, WA 99203
+1 (833) 300-0807